MacMed Spa

A Closer Look at Your Microdermabrasion Appointment


Many people who’ve not had microdermabrasion before usually question if there are things they need to deal with before having the procedure. If you’re in the same boat, perhaps you’d like to know how to get yourself ready for your treatment, as well as learn some more information about what the treatment entails.

Preparing for Treatment

One of the best things about going in for microdermabrasion is that it’s very time-effective. Unlike several other treatments, microdermabrasion is a very simple procedure that typically takes just minutes and doesn’t require any medication or prior cleansing tests. Moreover, the required downtime after treatment is so little that most people can return to their daily activities immediately afterward.

What to Expect During Your Microdermabrasion Treatment

During a typical appointment, we’ll clean the skin to remove dust, makeup, natural oils, and impurities. This helps improve the final results of your treatment. You don’t need a local or topical anesthetic, but you may request one if you need to feel more comfortable. From there, our skilled practitioner will move the device over the treatment area. The movements are carefully controlled in order to ensure precision and patient comfort.

Post-Treatment Care Tips

While microdermabrasion is fast and effective, it usually helps to observe some post-treatment tips to help you maximize and maintain the results of your treatment. Some of these may include:

• Drinking lots of water.
• Keeping your skin moisturized.
• Avoiding direct sunlight and hot places for a certain amount of time after the treatment.
• Using a mild face cleanser.
• Eating plenty of fruits and foods rich in nutrients.

The microdermabrasion treatments provided at MacMed Spa can help with age spots, scarring, stretch marks, and plenty more. Get in touch with us at our office in Framingham, Milford, or Hopedale for more information or to book an initial consultation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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