MacMed Spa

CoolSculpting PLUS

Do you already have a regular diet and exercise plan, but can’t seem to get rid of a stubborn area of body fat? Many people have this problem, and it can be endlessly frustrating. The fact of the matter is that sometimes, these problem areas won’t go away with proper eating and physical activity alone — that’s why we offer our patients COOLSCULPTING PLUS. COOLSCULPTING PLUS is a non-invasive, non-surgical body contouring treatment.

Located in Milford MA, Mac Med is committed to providing patients with a comfortable, luxurious place to receive cosmetic care. If you’re interested in learning more about our practice or would like to schedule a consultation appointment, contact us today.


COOLSCULPTING PLUS is an FDA-approved, non-invasive body contour procedure that harnesses the power of controlled cooling to freeze and destroy fat cells. This fat destruction method was discovered by Harvard Medical School.

This process works because fat cells have a lower freezing temperature than other tissues. This difference allows the CoolSculpting system to target fat cells while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. As fat cells are crystallized, they shrink and eventually die. In the weeks following the procedure, your body flushes out these dead fat cells, leaving the treatment area slimmer, smoother, and more sculpted. What makes COOLSCULPTING PLUS more effective than regular CoolSculpting treatments is that instead of selectively freezing and destroying 25-30% of fat cells It destroys 60 to 100% of the fat cells. This is because COOLSCULPTING PLUS incorporates the  Z Wave as a secondary equipment which applies sound wave instead of a manual massage method. The Z Wave is the game changer for achieving permanent  results.

What Can I Expect from Treatment?

The COOLSCULPTING PLUS treatment itself takes about an hour per area and is entirely painless. The procedure is so comfortable that during this time, you can read, catch up on emails, or even take a nap. Results of COOLSCULPTING PLUS typically begin to show within a few weeks, with full results appearing after 3-4 months.

What Areas of the Body can COOLSCULPTING PLUS Treat?

COOLSCULPTING PLUS can be used to slim nearly any part of the body, including the:

Am I a Good Candidate?

Most people can receive COOLSCULPTING PLUS treatments. However, it’s important to keep in mind that it works best on people who are already at or near their ideal body weight, but would like some help getting rid of stubborn areas of body fat. Individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, have any autoimmune disorder that causes excessive pain, weakness, or discomfort, or are under the age of 19 cannot undergo COOLSCULPTING PLUS treatments.

If you’re interested in COOLSCULPTING PLUS and would like to take the next step towards treatment, contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

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