MacMed Spa

HCG Diet Program

hcg diet

It has been said by several of our clients that had they known about this plan twenty years ago, the course of their life would be very different!

Have you tried to lose weight in the past, but have been unsuccessful in your excruciating attempts? You may be a candidate for the HCG diet plan offered at Mac Medical! This unique diet plan is a 30 day plan with HCG injections and a daily supplement to help patients lose 20 to 40 pounds over the course of treatment.

What is HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or HCG, is a hormone that occurs naturally in both men and women and is produced in high quantities during pregnancy.  HCG releases fat deposits and encourages the body to use this excess fat as energy for both the mother and the baby.  When used for weight loss, HCG releases unwanted deposits of fat and allows the body to metabolize the excess fat and use it for fuel.

How ca HCG be used for weight loss?

When being used for weight loss, HCG is combined with a 500 to 800 calorie diet.  HCG can be administered via daily injections and should be combined with a low-calorie diet comprised of controlled quantities of fish, meat, fruits, and vegetables; easy to follow.

Am I a candidate?

Men and women who are interested in losing weight are potential candidates for an HCG diet. Prior to beginning the HCG diet plan, we will review your medical history including a blood test as well as your overall health and goals of the treatment to determine if the HCG diet plan is an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Are there any side effects?

You may experience a headache the first few days of your HCG diet as your body adjusts.  This is a temporary side effect that typically resolves on its own as your body becomes accustomed to your new diet.  Over the counter pain medication can be used to relieve any headaches you may experience as a result of your HCG diet.

Contact us at Mac Medical today for more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Edgar Ballenas.

We have done this diet ourselves!  Call and ask for Debbie; I am not only the owner but an HCG Diet Client! 


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