MacMed Spa

How Does Restylane Work?

restylane fillers

At our Mac Med Spa locations in Milford, Hopedale, and Framingham, MA, we offer Restylane, a popular line of dermal fillers that use hyaluronic acid particles similar to the ones the body creates naturally to restore volume to different areas of the face. We can use these fillers to address the most common signs of aging resulting from volume loss to restore smooth, youthful-looking skin.

How Does Restylane Work?

Restylane is an injectable treatment administered just below the skin’s surface with a very fine, small, and thin needle. The gel formula will restore volume in the treatment area to address volume loss, hollow areas, lines, wrinkles, facial folds, and other aging-related concerns. Once injected beneath the skin’s surface, these fillers can enhance the features, restore volume, and promote smoother skin.

The results look natural because the synthetic hyaluronic acid particles are nearly identical to those the body naturally produces. As the filler integrates within the tissue, the results will continue to improve and can provide a long-term solution for those who want to treat visible aging or enhance their features.

What Can These Fillers Treat?

Restylane fillers are versatile and can address multiple concerns and treat several facial areas. These fillers can smooth nasolabial folds, smile lines, creases, and wrinkles on the middle and lower half of the face. We can also use them to contour the cheeks, augment the lips, enhance the chin profile, and fill under-eye hollows.

What Happens During a Treatment?

The Restylane treatment process is quick, minimally invasive, and virtually painless. After we clean the skin to prepare it for your injections, we can apply topical numbing cream if doing so will promote your comfort during the treatment. However, some patients forgo a numbing solution since the injections are virtually painless.

One of our injectors will administer the exact amount of filler into your desired treatment areas. These injections are quick and will be over within a few minutes. The entire treatment takes less than 30 minutes, and then you can resume your daily routine.

Are the Injections Painful?

Our injectors are skilled in administering cosmetic injectables, so you can rest assured that you will achieve exceptional and natural results and can expect a completely comfortable treatment process. The needle we use is small, the injections are quick, and the treatment will be over before you know it. We will take every step to keep you comfortable throughout your treatment and ensure it’s nothing short of a positive experience.

Can These Fillers Be Combined With Other Skincare Treatments?

One of the benefits of Restylane fillers is that they can be combined with other fillers and cosmetic treatments. Patients who want to treat dynamic wrinkles on the upper half of the face can add a wrinkle-relaxing injectable like BOTOX to their dermal filler treatment plan to address additional aging-related concerns.

While other injectables may be administered during the same treatment, some other professional treatment options will have to be scheduled before or after your injections to avoid interfering with treatment results. We can give you more details about how to schedule and space out additional treatments like microneedling, microdermabrasion, or other options at your pre-treatment consultation.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Most patients will only need one treatment to achieve their desired results. In rare cases, patients may schedule a follow-up treatment and request additional filler in their treatment area based on their preferences. However, most patients are satisfied with the results of a single dermal filler treatment.

How Long Will It Take To See Results?

One of the reasons our patients love these dermal fillers so much is that the results are immediate. The initial results will continue to improve in the weeks following treatment as the filler integrates within the tissue.

How Long Will My Results Last?

The Restylane fillers are known for their long-lasting results, lasting anywhere from six months to nearly two years. Ultimately, the longevity of your results depends on the mobility of the treatment area, how much product is injected into that area, and how quickly your body metabolizes the ingredients.

We can give you more details about what to expect from your unique treatment plan so that you know approximately how long your results will last and how often you will need to schedule maintenance treatments.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for these dermal fillers are patients who want to enhance their facial features, combat aging, or treat volume loss. Those who don’t want to undergo an invasive or surgical procedure to reverse the signs of aging make good treatment candidates. Patients should be in good health, have realistic expectations about the treatment, and be willing to follow the aftercare instructions to ensure the best and longest-lasting results.

Some patients won’t qualify for treatment, including those with an allergy to the ingredients in the products, pregnant and nursing women, and those with any type of skin condition or infection in the planned treatment area.

Is There Social Downtime?

Once your treatment is over, you can go back to work, go shopping, go out to lunch, or resume all of your normal daily activities. You will need to follow some post-treatment care instructions, which may include the following:

Following these aftercare instructions is critical to the treatment outcome. If you have any questions about aftercare, you can contact our office, and we will answer all of your questions and ensure that you feel confident about caring for the injection sites after your appointment is over.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you want to learn more about the Restylane fillers and our other cosmetic injectables, we can give you more details and help you determine which ones will help you achieve your anti-aging or cosmetic goals. Contact us today at one of our Mac Med Spa locations in Milford, Hopedale, or Framingham, MA, to schedule a consultation and find out if you’re a good treatment candidate for dermal fillers.

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