MacMed Spa

How Much Fat Can You Lose With Liposuction?

laser liposuction

Weight loss isn’t as simple as it sounds, and a clean diet and regular exercise are the healthiest ways to lose weight. However, there are times when we do all the right things but still need a little extra help. Laser Liposuction at MacMed Spa, Salon & Medical in Milford, MA is a great way to contour the body by targeting those trouble areas for fat removal. Because what liposuction is very good at is removing fat.


How Much Fat Can You Lose With Laser Liposuction?

There are several factors that affect how much fat laser liposuction can safely and effectively remove. BMI (body mass index) is the primary factor we take into account. A person’s Body Mass Index (BMI) is determined by dividing their body weight in kilograms by their height in meters. The objective is to determine a person’s risk of acquiring future medical conditions.


BMI is not an indication of body fat percentage because it cannot differentiate between muscle and fat. It does, however, provide a reasonable starting point for many people. This treatment can eliminate up to 11 pounds of fat if you have a fairly high body mass index (BMI). On the other hand, if you have a fairly low BMI, you cannot remove 11 pounds of fat. You will also not be able to remove that much fat if you have a high BMI due to muscle rather than fat.


You will find out how much weight you can lose safely at your initial consultation!


Important Questions About This Treatment

How Much Fat Can Be Removed From a Single Area?

In order to determine how much fat is removed from a given treatment area, several factors must be taken into account, such as the number and size of fat cells in the treatment area. Approximately 24% of fat cells in a given area are removed during each treatment session.


Thus, if you have 15 pounds of abdominal fat, your first treatment will remove around 3.6 pounds. That leaves 11.4 pounds. A second treatment will remove about 2.7 pounds of abdominal fat or another 24%. That would leave you with about 8.7 pounds of fat.


Can This Help Me Lose Weight?

It makes sense that you lose as much in weight as you lost in removed fat cells, but you’ll actually lose a bit more. Instead, after treatment, fat cells, as well as the surrounding fluid, are removed from your body. Therefore, you may lose a lot more weight than you thought: more like 14 pounds for 11 pounds of fat cells removed.


How Many Treatment Sessions Does It Take?

We will determine the number of sessions you may require during your initial consultation based on your unique circumstances. Because each treatment takes around an hour, most of our clients only opt to treat one or two areas at a time. On one day, they may work on their chest and abdomen, while on another, they may focus on their back, thighs, or upper arms.


How Soon Can I Schedule a Second Session?

Our clients typically need only one treatment session if they are within 10 pounds of their ideal weight. Within six to eight weeks after your first visit, you can come back for a follow-up treatment. Waiting six weeks gives you an opportunity to fully appreciate the results of your first session.


What Is the Timeframe for Seeing Results?

Some results are immediate–the fat cells are gone and the skin is tightened. To see the final results of fat removal, it can take between two and six weeks since the body has to process and remove all the dead fat cells. Over the course of two to six months, the tightening effects of the treatment will continue to improve as your body produces stronger, healthier collagen.

Can I See Final Results Faster?

Our clients are strongly encouraged to massage the treated area or areas five times each day, five minutes at a time, for five days. Having a loved one massage your treated area five times a day is an excellent alternative if you can’t reach the area! This can help your lymphatic system to take care of the fat cells more quickly.


What Is Tumescent Liposuction?

Tumescent Laser liposuction is one of the most popular outpatient Laser liposuction procedures. In addition to the face, hips, flanks, calves, and ankles, it can also be used just about anywhere else on the body. Patients will experience smoother and more refined results from this type of Laser liposuction than from traditional lipo. It will also be less expensive and faster to recover from because it’s conducted under local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia.

After cleansing the target area, we will make reference marks that will guide our treatment. Next, we will inject epinephrine, an anesthetic. As a result of this drug, fat deposits will become firmer, so we can remove fat and sculpt the area with more precision. Additionally, the firming effects of the drug allow patients to enjoy a more comfortable recovery by temporarily constricting blood vessels in the area.

Am I a Good Candidate for Lipo?

Our initial consultation will include a physical examination of your body fat distribution, a review of your medical history, and an assessment of your current health to determine whether tumescent lipo is right for you. Tumescent lipo is suitable for nearly everyone. A few exceptions exist, however. The following people would benefit from this treatment:


You Aren’t Primarily Trying to Lose Weight

The purpose of lipo, as with any body contouring treatment, is to remove fat, not lose weight. If you are seeking a treatment that will enable you to lose 25 or 50 pounds, this is not the treatment for them. Even if you are still trying to lose weight, you can get this treatment. However, you need to have realistic expectations.


You Have Realistic Expectations

It is essential that you have realistic expectations of the results of any treatment or procedure before undergoing it. A SmartLipo treatment session can result in a loss of up to 24% of localized fat deposits. Due to the removal of fat cells and the fact that the body cannot make more, the effects are considered permanent.


You should not gain any more weight, however, in order to maintain your enhanced aesthetic. It is likely that you already know how to lose weight if you’ve gone down this road already. Know that it can be harder to maintain your weight loss as you age and your metabolism slows down. Maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and eating intuitively.


You Aren’t Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Research has not been conducted regarding the safety or effectiveness of this treatment in pregnant or nursing women. If you are pregnant or nursing, this treatment cannot be recommended because your health and wellbeing are of paramount importance to us.


You Aren’t Newly Experiencing Heavy Periods

Perhaps you’ve lived with heavy menstruation since you reached puberty. Menstruation affects each of us differently. Nevertheless, heavy menstruation may be an indication of underlying health issues. This treatment should not be undertaken if you are not in good health, so this is something you should have checked if it’s a new phenomenon for you.


You Don’t Want More Children

During pregnancy, most women gain weight. This is very likely to be the case for you. Women who have decided that they are done having children, and men, are good candidates for this treatment. If you get pregnant again after treatment, however, you may need a maintenance session if you gain weight during pregnancy.


The fat cells in your body will permanently be fewer after this treatment, but the remaining cells can still fill up and expand if you consume more calories than you need. Additionally, pregnancy may result in loose skin, which would need to be treated later. In the event that you get pregnant after having lipo, you will not be at risk for a health problem. Our only concern is that you are satisfied with and maintain your results.


You Don’t Have Other Contraindicated Conditions

This treatment is not a good choice for those with:


Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

In order to find out more about lipo, contact MacMed Spa, Salon & Medical in Milford, MA today to schedule an initial consultation. We’ll help you evaluates your goals and let you know if this is the best treatment for you. We can also recommend complementary treatments that may even help you reach your goals faster. We can’t wait to help!

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