MacMed Spa

Intimate Services

Intimate Services - ThermiVa

Intimate Services - ThermiVa

If you’ve been considering undergoing an aesthetic procedure to improve your sexual experiences or confidence, you’re not alone. People can aesthetically modify virtually all the parts of their bodies that are visible with clothes on, why not alter those visible without clothes?

At Mac Med Spa, we respect and understand your desire to look and feel your best at your most vulnerable. That’s why we offer our patients intimate bleaching and vaginal rejuvenation services.

Bleaching Services Pricing

Cash OR Check

Credit card prices are 3.95% more than cash or check

*A requirement for success with this service is the at home Melanin inhibitor.

Mac Med offers Intimate Services include Intimate Bleaching and Vaginal Rejuvenation. The term “bleaching” here is a little unsettling but thankfully, misleading. No bleach is used during these procedures. And despite what the world “bleaching” implies, the goal is not to whiten these areas entirely – just to make them more similar in pigmentation to the surrounding skin.

We will create a personalized treatment plan for you based on your skin color, the color of the area you want to be bleached, and your aesthetic goals. Our intimate bleaching treatments are performed in two phases: the first in our office, and second at home. The first in-office phase involves the application of a blended acid peel. This peel lightens up the desired area dramatically. The speed of lightening depends on the pigmentation that is there. It is absolutely necessary to use the products we send you home with because they assist with the lightening process. The steps must be followed to achieve the necessary goal of the lightened area. We have three different creams that you can choose from based on your skin sensitivity and aesthetic goals.

Intimate Bleaching

Mac Med offers Intimate Bleaching services for men and women. Areas commonly treated are vaginal,anal,inner thighs,underarms as well as areolas(mucous membrane is not treated).The word “bleaching” is misleading, there is no bleach involved.This treatment disables the melanin, letting it sink down where the eye can’t see.This is a 2 part process; Part 1 is our “In Spa Only” application consisting of our 5 layer melanocyte inhibitor. Part 2 is two mandatory take home prescription products costing approximately $125.00 and $119.00. The 1st product is applied morning and night which clears the pigment you can see with the eye. The 2nd product,equally as important, is applied at night only (due to skin tone and causes for your visit, the results will vary from patient to patient.  Some see results immediately to weeks, others need to keep applying the products for months and possibly years to reach desired pigment). Once the area has reached desired shade,we recommend continuing the use of the night product approximately once a month to maintain and keep melanocytes quiet. Laser hair removal is highly recommended in these pigmented areas,many times waxing,shaving, and tweezing or the simple act of thick hair upsetting the follicle wall can cause unwanted pigmentation as well as ingrown hairs.

Intimate bleaching 6 week follow up
If you have stubborn pigmentation we offer a 6 week follow up appointment using a secondary product we call “Pink” to boost results.



Vaginal Rejuvenation

As we age, our bodies go through many changes, and for women, this can include a decline in vaginal health, which can result in dryness, laxity, and discomfort, among other issues. Fortunately, many women can regain their confidence and enhance their intimacy after pregnancy or menopause through NeuViva treatment.

NeuViva is a non-surgical treatment that uses laser and radiofrequency (RF) energy to revitalize vaginal health safely and effectively. The professionals at Mac Med Spa in Milford, MA are here to help you restore your vaginal health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more.

Why Try NeuViva?

Vaginal health issues occur in millions of women at any age and for many reasons, including intercourse, pregnancy, hysterectomy, cancer therapy, and menopause, among other things. Women may experience discomfort during intercourse, urinary stress incontinence, or other issues such as dryness and burning, which can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and frustrating. This vaginal rejuvenation treatment helps relieve unpleasant symptoms and can provide long-term relief in many cases. Our specialist can help you determine if NeuViva could help you achieve your personal goals and meet your expectations.

What Is NeuViva?

NeuViva is a safe, effective, non-surgical treatment that uses laser and radiofrequency technology to perform its magic. The treatment helps by promoting vaginal epithelial revitalization, improving laxity, and restoring vaginal health.

This treatment works by using fractional CO2 laser technology to improve blood circulation and stimulate collagen production that can thicken the vaginal tissue. There aren’t any known side effects for this treatment, making it a great option for many women dealing with vaginal issues.

How Long Does the Treatment Take?

Treatments are performed in the comfort of our office and are designed to be quick and convenient. There is also no lengthy recovery time involved, so most patients can carry on with their day after the treatment session is complete. This treatment has grown in popularity, with thousands of women receiving NeuViva every year.

How Soon Until You See Results?

The results of the treatment are designed to be long-lasting, but it may require multiple sessions for optimal results. Results vary from patient to patient, but most women experience a reduction in vaginal dryness, itching, burning, and pain during intercourse. You should see even more improvement in the months following the treatment.

Consult With a Professional

Are you interested in learning more about NeuViva and if it is right for you? If so, you can turn to the team of professionals at Mac Med Spa in Milford, MA.  Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about this innovative treatment!


NeuViva Pricing:
Credit card prices are 3.95% more than cash or check
Cash OR Check 


Hair Removal Services

Mac Med Spa offers Brazilian waxes for our female clients and Manzilian waxes for our male clients. This can include either partial or full hair removal depending upon your aesthetic desires.

Located in Milford, Mac Med Spa is committed to helping you meet your aesthetic goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for any of our cutting-edge procedures. We look forward to your call!

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