MacMed Spa

Is Microdermabrasion the Way to Go?


The word microdermabrasion may look and sound scary, but it is actually a procedure that is gentle and painless. The medical spa and salon sector has reached major milestones in recent years, ensuring this treatment is growing rapidly. For this reason, many people prefer this technique to maintain their skin. Below are some of the reasons why you should consider microdermabrasion.
How Does the Treatment Benefit You?
If you choose to undertake microdermabrasion at home, the procedure will be shallow because you will only be using your home kit, which has very basic tools. On the other hand, if you decide to go to a salon, then it will be deeper because a machine will be used. During the procedure, the continuous scratching of the skin prompts the body to release new cells which replace the old ones. The new cells make your skin look healthy and smooth.
After Microdermabrasion, What’s Next?
After undergoing the procedure, there will be no significant side effects, which is one of its many benefits. This means that you can go back to your normal routine. The only concern is that you have to protect your skin from direct sunlight by applying sunscreen regularly. As a precaution, avoid spending a lot of time outside where you will be exposed – only a few minutes at a time is recommended.
Who Should Avoid this Treatment?
Just like all treatments and procedures, microdermabrasion isn’t suitable for everyone. For example, if your skin is swollen, infected, has sores and is sensitive, it is not recommended. It is only after you have completely healed that the treatment should go ahead.
The Results
Is microdermabrasion really worth it? Your answer is based upon the results you are expecting to achieve. Time is a major factor because each procedure is short and you may be required to book several appointments for it to be successful. It is important to remember that the process is not painful, and many people describe it as a ‘soft scratching’ of the face.
If you notice the slight appearance of wrinkles and dark spots on your face, then microdermabrasion would be the ideal treatment for you.
Contact Us
The fact that microdermabrasion is becoming more popular proves that the treatment is highly effective. With the right amount of money and several treatment appointments, you are assured to have soft and smooth skin. If you are interested in this treatment at Mac Med Spa in either Framingham or Hopedale, MA, our professionals are ready to help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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