MacMed Spa

KTP Skin Laser

KTP skin laser

Are you looking for a solution to facial redness caused by rosacea or broken capillaries? Mac Med Spa offers KTP skin laser treatments to help eliminate unwanted spots, redness left behind by acne, and broken capillaries from the face, neck, and chest areas.

The KTP skin laser is a green spectrum laser used to eliminate small red veins and vessels on the face, neck, and chest. They are ideal for use in treating visible vessels that are located close to the surface of the skin. KTP lasers work by targeting hemoglobin in blood vessels or melanin in pigmented lesions and generating heat to destroy the vessel or lesion.

KTP lasers can be used to treat

Are you interested in finding out if the KTP skin laser is the right option for you? Schedule a consultation with Mac Med Spa Milford today!

When will I see results?

Results can vary depending on the condition of the skin being treated. Typically subtle results are visible immediately following a treatment session. Optimal results are achieved with multiple treatment sessions. During your consultation, the staff at Mac Med Spa Milford will discuss your desires and help you develop a treatment plan.

What can I expect during treatment?

During treatment, the cooled handpiece will be placed on the skin and the laser activated. Patients may experience a stinging sensation similar to a small rubber band snapping against the skin. Local anesthesia and/or pain killers are not necessary, but patients can choose to have a topical anesthetic applied prior to treatment to further minimize discomfort. In the week following your treatment, we recommend you apply sunscreen when participating in outdoor activities as skin may have an increased sensitivity to the sun.  

What are the possible side effects?

Potential side effects can include mild redness, stinging similar to a mild sunburn, or swelling. These side effects are temporary and should resolve within a few days following treatment.

Am I a candidate?

KTP skin lasers are ideal for use on patients looking to treat unwanted spots, redness left behind by acne, and small red veins or broken capillaries. KTP lasers work best on patients with lighter skin tones.

Are you interested in learning more about KTP skin laser treatment? Schedule a consultation with Mac Med Spa Milford today!


KTP Skin Laser Pricing
Credit card prices are 3.95% more than cash or check

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