MacMed Spa

Mac Med Re-Entry Into New Universe

Hair Salon
Tuesday, May 26th
Nail Salon
Monday, June 8th
Spa & Medical
Monday, June 8th

Train our minds to see the GOOD in everything!

Compare Mac Med Old & New


Since 2003 we have used hospital grade broad spectrum Virucide disinfectant.


Purchased an electrostatic gun to allow hospital grade product to reach and stick to every nook & cranny.


CEU’s has been required for our Electrologists on bacteria and sterilization.


Mac Med staff has become certified in Barbicide COVID-19 sanitation/disinfection.


Mac Med has always used hand sanitation, wipes, bleach and logged daily cleaning


Sanitation carts/stations, touchless soap and hand sanitizer dispensers.


Walk-ins welcome, waiting rooms full with observers; children & Grandmothers. The more the merrier!

  • 6 feet apart comfort zone – we are fortunate to have multiple areas to wait
  • Salon & Spa have outside areas to rest and wait OR, the new “Virtual Waiting Room” – Your car
  • Please call or text when parking and your specialist will welcome you in
  • We are temporarily taking temperatures and have a short intake form
  • Masks must be worn before entering our buildings (we have for clients to purchase who may have forgotten)

Clients carrying bags, books, knitting, even guitars


Please enter light – cell phone & method of payment


We served coffee, candy, cheese, crackers, fruit & magazines


Our Government Boards instructed us to remove client facing water, coffee, candy & magazines


We struggled out even feeling sick to get through the day


Stay home if sick

Change is inevitable…Will you drive that change or let it drive you?
We are here for you!

Mac Med & All Your Specialists

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