The Hollywood Spectra Peel is suitable for treating melasma, but it’s also effective for a variety of other skin conditions. Despite the name, the Hollywood Spectra Peel is not a type of chemical peel. The Spectra is a special laser, and it’s commonly used to treat discoloration of the skin.
The Spectra is used to treat brown and red skin discoloration, and the energy from the laser is delivered to the skin very quickly. A Hollywood Spectra Peel might be used to treat melasma, sunspots, pigmentation or tattoos.
By slowing the energy from the Spectra laser, the device can also be used to fight acne, tone skin or shrink enlarged pores. We can even manipulate the wavelengths for the treatment of broken blood vessels and vascular legions.
How a Hollywood Spectra Peel Can Help You
The Hollywood Spectra Peel is a popular cosmetic procedure, and it doesn’t require any downtime. If you’re considering this procedure, you should know that it can reduce the appearance of damaged, aging skin.
Treatment with Spectra is safe for almost every type of skin, and it has the power to refresh your skin and make it look healthier. Unlike many other laser treatments, treatment with Spectra doesn’t require a long recovery process.
It can even out your skin tone and diminish the appearance of acne scars, fine lines and pigment. Your skin will look and feel younger. Although the Spectra procedure can be performed alone, many patients choose to combine it with other cosmetic procedures.
What Are the Results Like?
A Hollywood Spectra Peel involves the use of laser energy, and it can reduce visible skin pigmentation. It’s effective for improving skin tone and uneven pigment. If you have fine lines and textural irregularities, you can benefit from this procedure.
The specialized laser accomplishes two major tasks. First, it targets the melanin within your skin, which is also called pigmentation. By breaking up the melanin, the laser is able to initiate the natural recycling processes within your body, which removes the broken pieces of melanin.
The laser also delivers heat deep into your dermis and causes your skin to contract. The heat within the dermis also stimulates natural collagen production, so your skin benefits from the healing effects of the collagen.
How the Procedure Works
Melasma is known to cause gray and brown patches of skin on the face. The Hollywood Spectra Peel uses laser energy to gently heat the dermis and ablate the top layer of your facial skin. The specialized laser energy is especially effective for breaking up the pigment that causes melasma.
Over time, the broken pigment particles are naturally removed by the body. During the procedure, an applicator is gently moved over the target area. Some of the benefits of the procedure are smooth skin, improved skin tone and better overall skin health. You’ll see a reduction in the appearance of acne scars, fine lines and melasma.
Treating Your Melasma
A Hollywood Spectra Peel serves as one of the best ways to treat melasma, so if you have this skin condition, you should consider this revolutionary treatment at MacMed Spa. For your convenience, we have offices in Framingham, Milford and Hopedale. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.