MacMed Spa

Strawberry Cold Laser Lipo


At Mac Med Spa, we have the latest technologies to keep you looking and feeling great. For men and women who have areas of excess fat that do not respond to other weight loss solutions, we now offer strawberry cold laser lipo to help reduce and slim your problem areas.

Mac Med Spa is located in Milford, Massachusetts. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our staff  and find out how strawberry cold laser lipo can help get rid of your stubborn fat.

What is Strawberry Cold Laser Lipo?

When fat cells are in a normal state, they are swelled with water, glycerol and fatty acids. During treatment with the strawberry cold laser, low-level laser energy is emitted directly into skin. The laser bypasses the skin surface, targeting the fat cells below.

Once the light reaches the fat cells, it creates pores on the surfaces of the cells. This causes the walls of the cells to rupture and release the water, glycerol and fatty acids, shrinking the overall size of the fat.

The result of strawberry cold laser lipo is a slimmer, trimmer figure. This treatment can be used on multiple areas of the body, including the:

Why Choose Strawberry Cold Laser Lipo?

In addition to visible, natural inch loss, strawberry cold laser liposuction treatment offers several benefits to patients:

Am I a Good Candidate for Strawberry Cold Laser Lipo?

Although this treatment is ideal for treating areas of stubborn body weight, it is not a weight loss solution or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. During your consultation, our staff will will assess factors such as your overall health, medical history, cosmetic goals and expectations to help you determine if strawberry cold laser lipo is right for you.

The extent of treatment often depends on which areas of the body you are targeting, and multiple sessions may be required in order to achieve your desired look. Our staff will create a customized treatment plan for you that is completely tailored to your unique body.

Strawberry Cold Laser Lipo Pricing:*

* Credit card prices are 3.95% more than cash or check

Contact Mac Med Spa today to schedule a consultation with our staff and find out if inch loss with strawberry cold laser lipo is right for you.

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