If you’re like most people, a day at the spa is considered a luxury. Whether you’re interested in a massage, Juvederm or microdermabrasion, at the end of the day you probably look forward to being pampered and prettied up in a relaxing environment. Of course, one particular indulgence that does more than just spoil you, is a facials.
While a facials can seem like a luxury, it is actually instrumental in maintaining your healthy, beautiful glow and rejuvenating aging skin to make it appear younger. At MacMed Spa, part of the initial consultation will likely include discussion of prior skin care treatments you may have had, and the results of each treatment. The experts in the spa center take this chance to discuss your expectations so they can determine the best procedure for you. It’s also imperative to disclose any medications you may be taking, and it is also important your esthetician knows what skin care products you have recently used.
So, what are some of the benefits of a routine facials?
Skin Analysis
Before beginning any treatment, a professional esthetician will analyze your skin, in order to understand how to best proceed. Typically, they will examine your skin under a “mag lamp” to determine your skin type. Obviously, oily skin that is prone to breakouts will require a different course of action than dry, dull skin, or highly sensitive skin.
Many times, if you are coming straight from work or somewhere other than home, it’s likely your skin will be full of make-up. Not to worry – the esthetician will thoroughly cleanse your skin before beginning the treatment. Once your skin is clean, it is easier to see blackheads, blemishes, or an uneven skin tone. At this point, the esthetician may use a magnifying lamp again to analyze your skin further in order to make treatment and product recommendations, as well as let you know if there is anything she notices that should be seen by a dermatologist.
Your esthetician will choose an exfoliation cream, mask, or peel to use, depending on what she has determined is best suited for your skin care needs. Some products may need to remain on your face for several minutes in order to deliver results, while others may require manual stimulation. Typically, a warm, moist towel will be applied to your face either during the exfoliation phase, or once exfoliation has been completed. This steam process loosens plugs that cause blackheads and blemishes and encourages pores to open and remove impurities through sweat.
Now that pores are open, the esthetician will remove blackheads and other pore-clogging elements using a magnifying glass to ensure nothing is overlooked. It’s important to note that leaving behind any trace of compactions may cause your skin to flare up, and new pimples to appear, so your esthetician will likely use some sort of antibacterial cleanser to leave your skin immaculate.
One important note to remember is that a single Facial in Milford Ma will not improve the quality and health of your skin in the long-term. Much like going to the gym, improving the health and appearance of your skin is a continual process, requiring commitment and dedication. MacMed Spa offers a wide variety of skin care treatments that offer long-term effects like microdermabrasion for people looking to maintain youthful, fresh skin. Daily cleansing and exfoliation coupled with the use of an effective moisturizer and sunscreen, are the best way to maintain the health of your skin, along with a routine Facial Near Me. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.