MacMed Spa


What if you could spot-treat fat? We have good news: you can. At MacMed Spa in Milford, MA, we want to introduce you to CoolSculpting, a body-contouring treatment that can quite literally change your life. If you’ve dealt with stubborn fat for what feels like forever, there is a solution, and it doesn’t involve a single crunch or boot camp class. You won’t have to give up your favorite glass of wine, and you won’t have to limit yourself to eating lettuce.

What Areas Can You Treat With CoolSculpting?

The Neck and Chin

Even if weight loss comes easy to you, there’s always at least one area of the body that just doesn’t respond, and for many people, it’s the neck and chin area. The dreaded double chin makes you look overweight, even when you aren’t. It can negatively affect your confidence and make you feel self-conscious. If you have a double chin, even though you’ve reached a healthy weight, CoolSculpting can help eliminate it for good.

Additionally, if you have excess fat that has accumulated on your neck, trying to eliminate it with diet and fitness alone can be discouraging, to say the least. There’s no way to spot-treat your neck, nor is there a way to exercise it, so what do you do? This body contouring treatment provides you with the perfect solution, and it has helped many people finally eliminate stubborn fat from their chin and neck so that this area can look as toned as the rest of their body.

The Midsection

The midsection is an area that causes many people trouble because even though you can build muscles in this area, you’ll never see that muscle until you lose the fat. Fat in the midsection is one of the most difficult areas to address because it just doesn’t seem to budge.

For most people, it’s one of the last places they lose fat, if ever. There are different areas of the midsection that cause problems and self-consciousness among many patients, yet this innovative treatment can finally get rid of that fat for good.

Love Handles

Everyone knows what love handles are, and over time, they’ve been referred to affectionately, yet if you have them, you want to get rid of them in any way possible. Even with a healthy diet and consistent workout routine, it’s very hard to lose fat from the love handles. This treatment can freeze the fat in this area and kill the fat cells so that they’re gone for good.


Whether you have stubborn fat on your upper abdomen or your lower abdomen, or both areas, this treatment will help eliminate it. Any muscle that you built will shine through once you undergo this treatment and see your results. All your hard work and the gym will finally pay off, and your results and your six-pack will be visible once the fat is gone.

The Arms

Another area that holds stubborn fat is the arms. With the aging process, it can feel more challenging to tone the arms because of excess fatty deposits, usually on the back or upper arms. If your arms have become one of your most significant problem areas, this treatment can help address them and remove the fat. Your arms will look slimmer and more toned over time, and you will be able to wear your sleeveless shirts with confidence.

Inner and Outer Thighs

The inner and outer thighs often hold stubborn fat, regardless of how much cardio you do or how many leg exercises you perform. CoolSculpting treatment in this area will help remove this fat so that your legs look and feel more toned.


While many people wish that their breasts were bigger and undergo breast augmentation to make that dream a reality, some people, especially men, can develop excess fatty tissue in the breast area, making them feel self-conscious.

Others simply have breasts that are too large for their frame and have begun to cause different health issues, including back pain and spine dysfunction. This treatment can help eliminate fat in the breasts to help you reach your aesthetic goals.

Other Areas

This treatment can target and eliminate fat cells in virtually any area of the body. If there is an area not mentioned that you want to treat, you can discuss it with one of our experts during your initial consultation to determine if this treatment will help you reach your goals.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses cold temperatures to freeze fat away. In doing so, it contours the body so that you look tighter, slimmer, and more toned. It gets rid of the stubborn fat that stands between you and your ultimate body goals. Sometimes diet and fitness aren’t enough, and this treatment gives you the extra edge you need to destroy fat.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

CoolSculpting uses cool temperatures emitted through a cooling device that suctions through a cooling applicator. Fat cells are the first to freeze and they don’t respond well to cold temperatures. It only takes temperatures of 54 degrees to freeze fat cells; the surrounding skin, tissues, and muscle don’t freeze until 32 degrees, which is how they remain unharmed.

Once these cells are frozen, they experience cell death and can no longer function. The body then views them as extraneous waste or debris and uses the lymphatic system to eliminate them over time. Once eliminated, the fat volume in your problem areas decreases by up to 30 percent, resulting in a slimmer you.

What Does It Feel Like?

Not only is this treatment completely non-invasive, but it also requires no downtime, and it’s completely painless. Once the treatment begins, you may feel a suctioning sensation followed by an intense feeling of cold. Within about 10 minutes, both of those sensations will disappear as the treatment area goes numb.

You can lay back and relax as the machine performs its fat-blasting work. Most patients work on their phones, read magazines or books, watch TV, or even sleep for their treatment duration.

How Many Treatments Are Needed for Results?

The total number of treatments necessary for best results varies among patients. Some patients are happy with their results after one session; others require more than one treatment for best results. It all depends on how many areas you choose to treat, the size of your treatment areas, and your ultimate goals.

During an initial consultation here in our office, we’ll review the treatment, analyze your problem areas, and then create a plan tailored to your goals so that you get a better idea of the total number of sessions you need.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

This process happens naturally and gradually since it relies on the body for results. This process requires patience, but rest assured, you will see positive changes in your body. Most patients begin to notice visible body changes within a few weeks of treatment. Best results usually appear within eight to twelve weeks of treatment.

Can I Make My Results Show Up Faster?

While you can’t speed the rate at which your body eliminates the dead fat cells from your system, you can support the system that removes them: your lymphatic system.

Support Your Lymphatic System

Most people don’t think about that lymphatic system, but we can promise you one thing: once you undergo this treatment, you will appreciate your lymphatic more than ever. The lymphatic system plays many important roles in the body, and one of those roles is to remove waste and get rid of excess fluids. There are some ways to support your lymphatic system post-treatment to help generate your results to perform its job well.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for helping the lymph system function optimally. Drink enough water each day to keep your body well-hydrated based on your activity level and your weight. You’ll notice a difference in your skin and your body since drinking a lot of water helps flush toxins from your system. If you don’t like plain water, experiment by making your own flavored water at home. Add strawberries, mint leaves, or lemon juice to your water to give it a healthy flavor.

Move Your Body

The lymphatic system needs movement to activate it. This means that you should move your body each day to help your lymphatic system function optimally. There are many ways that you can give your body movement that it needs to help your lymphatic system eliminate the dead cells effectively. Whether you work out at the gym or go on a long walk, be sure that you get some type of movement at least once a day.

You can hire a trainer, download a fitness app on your phone, or even jump on your kids’ trampoline. As long as you’re getting some type of movement in every day, you will be on the way to a slimmer you.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Once your body eliminates the dead fat cells, those fat cells will be gone permanently. Your problem areas will improve, and you will see up to a 30 percent reduction in the total fat volume in those areas. However, it’s up to you to maintain your results.

CoolSculpting only removes the fat present at the time of treatment; it cannot prevent the development of new fat cells that could form with any weight gain. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and working out consistently each week will help you maintain your results forever.

Who Is It Right For?

This treatment is designed to help those who are healthy and have reached their goal weight but can’t reach the rest of their goals with diet and fitness efforts alone. It is not a fat loss treatment, and it can’t help you lose significant amounts of weight. It is meant to fine-tune your body so that you can finally get the physique you may have never thought possible.

Who Doesn’t Qualify?

Some individuals don’t qualify for treatment, including those trying to lose a lot of weight, those who qualify as obese, women who are currently pregnant or nursing, and individuals with an extreme sensitivity to cold temperatures. An initial consultation is the best way to determine if this treatment is right for you.

When you arrive for your consultation, we will discuss your goals, analyze your problem areas, review your health history, and ensure that you are a candidate for this treatment. Then we will create a plan that will help you eliminate your fat and reach all of your body goals.

Get Rid of Stubborn Fat Today

Reaching your goals has never been so easy, and you don’t need to buy another gym membership or do 1000 crunches to reach those body goals. We have everything you need to eliminate fat right here in our office. Contact us today at MacMed Spa in Milford, MA, and schedule your initial consultation to see if this body contouring treatment is right for you.

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