MacMed Spa

Why Microdermabrasion Is a Great Option to Combat Dry, Patchy Skin


This cold winter can be a nightmare for your skin! If you are tired of the dry and patchy skin that is so common in the Milford area, we can help! Microdermabrasion is a great treatment option for anyone who is looking for relief from the skin issues that winter and dry indoor heat can cause. At MacMed Spa, we are equipped with the most current and effective technology that can help you get the skin that you want.
Brutal Cold Outside and Dry Heat Inside
New England winters can feel like they last forever, especially when we take a look at the havoc they can cause on our skin. When you develop dry patches because of the cold outside coupled with the dry heat inside, the problem can become even worse as you try to remedy it with heavy creams and moisturizers. Surface lotions may offer temporary relief, but they can also cause clogged pores and a less than vibrant appearance that can be aging. If you are looking for a more effective solution for your dry and patchy winter skin, it’s time to check out microdermabrasion.
This technique pairs deep exfoliation and dead skin cell removal with the application of soothing and healing serums specifically targeted to meet your skin’s needs. There is no need to suffer all the way until spring with less than perfect skin! Today’s microdermabrasion techniques are a great way to give your appearance a boost that will help you tolerate these brutally cold temperatures!
Cold temperatures and dry indoor heat can cause a layer of dead and dull skin cells to accumulate on the skin’s surface. This, in turn, can give your face a lifeless appearance. Regular facials can help to temporarily hydrate the skin’s surface, but the results are nowhere near as effective as those provided by a facial treatment that includes microdermabrasion. Don’t let winter have a negative effect on your skin that you will be trying to improve for months to come; keep your skin looking and feeling great all winter long with the help of your friends at MacMed Spa!
Ready to lose those patchy and dry areas of your skin? Contact the team at MacMed Spa, in each of our Milford, Framingham, or Hopedale, MA locations today and schedule your microdermabrasion consultation. Your skin will be so glad that you did!

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