MacMed Spa

5 Surprising Uses for BOTOX


We all know why most people get BOTOX®: to achieve a wrinkle-free face that looks younger overall. That is because BOTOX® is proven to smooth out wrinkles and other facial imperfections. But did you know that it can be quite handy for other issues too?

Excessive Sweating

Injecting BOTOX® into sweat glands, especially those in your underarms, can treat excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis. The treatment works by temporarily stopping the release of the chemical that stimulates the sweat glands, which stops your body from making sweat in areas where you’ve received the injections. Research has proven that BOTOX® frequently reduces sweating by 82-87%, which is quite considerable, especially for people who’ve been dealing with the shame of excessive sweating for a long time.

Chronic Migraines

According to a certain research study done in April 2012, BOTOX® may provide modest relief to people suffering from chronic daily headaches and chronic migraines.

Neck Bands

There’s a whole market full of anti-aging products that are designed to treat the lines on the neck known as neck bands, but few are as effective as BOTOX®. Although most people think about facial lines when they consider this treatment, the neck may also be treated, depending on the case.

Overactive Bladder

As you may know all too well, an overactive bladder can occur at the most inappropriate of times. You need to urinate and it is making you run to the bathroom. An overwhelming urge to pee is the most obvious symptom of an overactive bladder. Getting BOTOX® injections may help treat this problem by affecting the bladder muscles to stop accidental urination.


BOTOX® doses can help those who suffer from arthritis due to its ability to relax the area that received the treatment.

If you thought that BOTOX® is just for fixing facial wrinkles, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. There are many more uses for BOTOX® than you might have initially thought. During a consultation at MacMed Spa in Framingham, Hopedale, or Milford, you can learn more about this amazing injectable. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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