MacMed Spa

Smart Lipo: Vaser Liposuction

Many people are opting to get Vaser liposuction as an alternative to traditional liposuction. This is a minimally-invasive procedure that can help remove fatty deposits from underneath the skin using ultrasound-assisted technology. It also helps smooth and contour the body. Even though vaser liposuction targets the fat cells, it will leave the other cells intact.

MacMed Spa, Salon and Medical can help you get the body you want through vaser liposuction. We also offer skin tightening treatments to help with body contouring. With locations in Milford, Framingham and Hopedale, our highly trained and professional staff is ready to meet with you to discuss whether liposuction is the right procedure for you. Contact MacMed Spa today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

How Does Vaser Liposuction Work?

There are multiple steps involved in performing this procedure. The first thing that the doctor will do is insert a tumescent liquid into the area. The tumescent liquid is a saline solution that is mixed with anesthetic. It not only helps the numb the area, but it also helps temporarily expand it. This makes it easier to remove the fat cells.

Then the ultrasonic probe will be inserted into the target area. The ultrasonic probe will break up the fat cells. Once the fat cells have been broken up, a small cannula will be used to remove them. The cannula will also remove the tumescent liquid.

The Ideal Candidate for Vaser Liposuction

People who are healthy but have not been able to lose weight with diet and exercise are usually considered good candidate for Vaser liposuction. Keep in mind that only a physician can determine whether this procedure is right for a particular patient. It is important tell our medical staff about any chronic conditions you have. You should also inform your doctor if you are taking any medications.

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction can give people phenomenal results with just one procedure. It can also remove large amounts of fat. Vaser liposuction can be performed on very delicate areas of the body, such as the neck and arms. Additionally, the procedure is very safe.

What Do I Need To Do After Getting Vaser Liposuction?

We will give you specific recommendations that will help you recover from your procedure with minimal complications. The recovery process is different for every patient. The number of areas that were treated is another factors that affects how long it takes to recover from Vaser liposuction. People can typically return to their normal activities within seven to 10 days. However, one may have to wait over a month before engaging in strenuous exercise.

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