MacMed Spa

Splendor X

Splendor X

Do you have unwanted hair but are unsure if you’re ready for laser treatments? Splendor X takes the worry out of laser hair removal with uniform, precise, and quick removal of hair. The treatment causes no discomfort and removes the hair in one pass, so it is quick and safe. Contact Mac Med Spa in Milford, MA to find out if laser hair removal is right for you.

What Is Splendor X?

Splendor X is a breakthrough in hair removal technology. The laser system from Lumenis is designed to remove hair quickly with high precision. The hairs are removed at their roots with a single pass. The system can also be used to rejuvenate the skin safely for all skin types. The treatment can improve lesions and pigments in the skin without surgery.

What Could I Expect from Treatment?

When you come to MacMed Spa for a consultation, we will have a specialist discuss the expectations and desired results from hair removal treatment with you. When you decide on a treatment option that is right for you, we can begin treatment.

One of our practitioners will use a handheld laser tool with dual cooling systems to keep you comfortable during the entire treatment. The laser works in a square pattern to remove more hair in a single pass than other treatments. The laser is designed to penetrate deeply to the root of the hair and target only the hair.

The Splendor X system can generally treat areas in quicker time than other technologies. The laser is gentle on your skin and generally works well on darker skin types that are more sensitive to laser treatment.

The treatment is usually completed with a series of treatment sessions, depending on your needs. The results are smooth and long-lasting, and they are intended to help permanently reduce the natural growth cycle of hair. While you should be able to resume most of your normal daily activities, it is important to be mindful of your skin following treatment, particularly in the sun.

What Are the Benefits?

Splendor X can treat a variety of hair and skin needs safely and easily. Some benefits of treatment are:

The treatment is an excellent way to remove unwanted hair without frequent treatment or surgery. The unique technology offers advantages over other laser techniques resulting in faster and more precise results..

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Splendor X is a great treatment for a variety of skin types, skin tones, and genders. The precise and uniform system works on thick and thin hairs for complete removal. Anyone who is looking for hair removal in certain areas of the body or the full body may be able to benefit from treatment.

Schedule Your Consultation!

If you are looking for a quick and uniform hair removal treatment, contact us today at Mac Med Spa in Milford, MA to schedule your consultation. We offer safe and easy skin and hair treatments for those in the Milford area.

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