The FDA has recently approved Botox as a treatment option for migraines. These injections have gained notoriety for their aesthetic benefits, but they actually possess a revolutionary healing power. By inducing a state of partial paralysis near areas of tension in the frontal lobe, this treatment has shown tremendous promise in alleviating physical pain associated with headaches. The forced stillness of nearby neural pathways leads to calm and relaxation.
If you’re suffering from chronic migraines, MacMed Salon, Spa and Medical could help. We offer Botox as a treatment option for migraines. This simple procedure is done at one our three Massachusetts locations, and is quick and painless. To find out if you can benefit from Botox treatment, contact MacMed today to schedule your consultation.
How Often?
According to federal regulators, one injection should be prescribed every 12 weeks. This consistent dosage will eliminate approximately nine chronic migraines between each Botox administration. These results surpass all placebos, which means the beneficial effects are real. Science has proven that easier solutions are sometimes more effective too.
Comparison to Alternatives
The Botox method offers one of the safest ways to handle migraines. Other approaches have more side effects, and the results are less reliable. For example, testosterone shots can deliver instantaneous relief, but the hangover can be lasting and debilitating. Over-the-counter medications can numb some of the soreness, but their utility gradually depletes over time. These pills can also build toxicity in the liver and kidneys. Cognitive therapies can work, but they are exceedingly expensive. In the end, Botox wins for its combination of usefulness and affordability.
Botox Helps More Than Pain
The primary purpose of Botox is to stop a throbbing headache, but it will also address the other elements of a migraine. Relaxing the mind’s muscles reduces dizziness and nausea. Sensitivity to light and sound will also naturally diminish. Critical thinking skills can be restored rapidly, and disorientation is remedied through this accessible procedure.
Added Bonuses
Migraines are usually the result of stress, which causes people to age much faster physically. Since Botox is already equipped to reverse the aging process, the instilled youthfulness will be two-fold. Younger skin will develop through repeated exposure to injections, and the subsequently minimized anxiety will subtract years from anyone’s exterior. The wrinkle marks that result from extreme thinking can fade away, and the improved appearance will also play a role in staving off migraines by encouraging self-acceptance.
Who Should Consider Botox for Migraines?
Basically, any person that suffers from chronic headaches should look into Botox as a solution. While the compound has gained attention as a selective cosmetic improvement, it is actually a revolutionary aid for the brain. Unfortunately, the substance has been superficially stigmatized, which means many patients might neglect to seek the best treatment available. The truth is that all walks of life can enjoy an advantageous boost from Botox, and no one has to endure life with migraines anymore. Amazingly, women over the age of 35 are the most common recipient of this procedure.
Living in pain is not necessary, especially if the cause of suffering is a migraine. As science has uncovered, Botox may just be the most viable cure on the planet for persistent headaches.