Thanksgiving is coming soon, with families gathering to share delicious food and catch up with loved ones.
If you are cooking or hosting on Turkey Day, remember to save some ingredients and dishes for yourself. The site offers some suggestions to boost beauty after the bird is served.
At MacMed Spa, Salon & Medical in Milford, Framingham and Hopedale, our staff can help you develop skin care regimens for every season. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, contact MacMed today.
Here are traditional Thanksgiving food items that you may want to consider holding onto after your guests go home:
- Cranberries: These have Omega 3, 6, and 9 – and vitamin E. These offer anti-inflammatory benefits. The oil can protect skin and also helps treat acne, eczema and psoriasis. Also, you can mix fresh cranberries with brown sugar to create a fall body scrub that makes skin glow and leaves it smooth.
- Butternut Squash: This holiday staple also can help improve how your skin looks. Cook some of this orange vegetable to make a facial you can use with honey for better exfoliation. Some other facial recipes – add an egg yolk to hold your facial mask together. This draws oil from the skin. Butternut squash is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A and E that can help with skin elasticity and clarity.
- Sweet Potatoes: These can make fantastic face masks. The potatoes’ potency can increase collagen production and make them a solid ingredient for at-home beauty treatments. Boil sweet potato for approximately 20 minutes. Then mash it with a fork. Mix in some plain yogurt. This mixture should leave your face smooth and glowing.
- Greens: Before you decide against preparing green bean casserole for Turkey Day, remember the beauty benefits these vegetables have. Also, broccoli and carrots each have Vitamin C, which can help prevent wrinkles. Beets are another rich source of vitamins that clear skin, and of antioxidants. If you like kale, it too can act as an anti-inflammatory to ward off redness, not to mention flaky and dry skin.
- Pumpkin: Halloween may be over, but pumpkins provide fine facial material. It also can be used for perfume. Pumpkins are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K. They also contain fatty acids and zinc. Oils found in pumpkin seeds are used in eye creams because it helps decrease dark circles under the eyes by improving circulation and helping the skin retain water. Enzymes from pumpkin pulp can be great for removing flaky skin, as well as for treating acne.
So if you or someone you know is cooking this Thanksgiving, keep these tips in mind before you throw away any leftovers from the day’s feast. They can help your skin look great as we prepare to enter December and the rest of the holiday season!
For more information on beauty treatments or to make an appointment, contact MacMed soon to get ready for Thanksgiving and the holidays that follow.